“San Andreas’ Fault” Read at Stories on Stage-Sacramento

Stories on Stage-Sacramento
Stories on Stage-Sacramento

Ethan Ireland read my story “San Andreas’ Fault” last night at Stories on Stage-Sacramento. The other story was an excerpt from An Excess Male by Maggie Shen. Together, our stories comprised a sort of quasi sci-fi evening of fiction. SOSS billed it as “dabbling in dystopia and tinkering with time.” The “tinkering with time” part being my contribution.

As with the reading of “Sailing Lessons” at Stories on Stage-Davis earlier this year, I hid in back, cringing when punch lines or other special phrases turned up in the reading because I wasn’t sure how they’d come across. Unlike “Sailing Lessons,” I hadn’t specifically written this story as a performance piece. Still Ethan did a great job and I was happy to talk to a few people in the audience afterward about the weirdness of the story.

You can read about the evening on SOSS’s website. And you can watch a video of Ethan’s reading below.