A Riot Every Generation?

In my current WIP, California Incline, the story suggests that the Rodney King riots would never really end in the sense that its root causes were (are) still present:

But even though John had left town, he hadn’t escaped anything, because a riot isn’t an event with a beginning and an end. It’s in the air, like the ashes of the American Dream of immigrants like Yong Soo whose businesses lay in burned-out ruins. The Rodney King riot reached back to the Watts riot a generation earlier, to the Zoot Suit riot a generation before that, and even earlier. As soon as it was over, everyone knew it wasn’t the last riot L.A would have. For all the talk about change, the problems were still there. The hate and the fear, the unemployment, the anger, the repression, the drugs and the gangs . . .


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Will Kill for Food is a Finalist

My novella, Will Kill For Food, is one of six finalists in Black Hill Press's Summer Writing Project. This means it's one step closer to being published. There were twelve semi-finalists. Now there are six. BHP editors will select three among these to be published later this year.

I guess we'll see what happens. Soon, I hope.

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