“San Andreas’ Fault” to appear in Black Fork Review

Black Fork Review, Issue 2
Black Fork Review, Issue 2

Black Fork Review has just accepted “San Andreas’ Fault” for publication. Not only is that just cool in and of itself, but with this news coming just a couple weeks after littlesomethingspress accepted “Peanut Butter” for publication, it’s like manna from heaven. I can go for months receiving nothing but form rejections for the stories I submit, the rejections themselves only appearing months after I submit the story to that review. It’s all part of the process, I know, and I accept it as such. But all the more reason that two acceptances so close together is such great news.

Stories on Stage-Sacramento had accepted “San Andreas’ Fault” months earlier, and Ethan Ireland read it at SOSS’s June 2019 event. Still, as with all of my stories, this one has been rejected by more publications than I suspect non-short-story writers even know exist.

Even cooler, my story appears in the same issue as a story by Naomi Williams, a local writer whose Writing Salon I’ve attended, and who accepted “Sailing Lessons” for presentation at Stories on Stage-Davis. It’s a special honor to appear alongside someone whose writing and teaching and editing I look up to. Special thanks to Maureen O’Leary, Fiction Editor of Black Fork Review, for accepting my story.


Update, December 2019: The story is published and available online. You can read it at on Black Fork Reiew’s website here.